Sunday, November 12, 2006


hmm.. s0rriies.. l0ngg ttime b0 bl0gg lia0s..
hmmm.. will d0 a surveryy n0w as AMELEA BA0BEIISS NU ERR askkedd me t0..

Message: Can y0o name 11 pe0ple y0o can tinkk 0f rightt 0ff tthe t0pp 0f y0urr headd ? D0nt readd tthe questi0ns underneathh until y0o write tthe names 0f all 11 pe0ple. This is al0t funnierr if y0o actuallyy rand0nmlyy list tthe name 1st.

1. Gabriel Ng Yi Fa
2. J0ycelyn
3. Amelea
4. J0anne
5. Le0ng Kai Jing
6. Ng Kai Ting
7. Teck chye
8. Peii Shii
9. Jessica
10. Huii Shii
11. Kristhen

1.H0w didd y0o met 10 ?
[[ ehh.. fr0m m0ii la0 g0ngg bahhs ]]

2.Wadd w0uldd y0o d0 if y0o neverr met 6 ?
[[ cant be bahhs.. she's m0ii c0usin nehhs ]]

3.Have y0o everr seen 4 cryy ?
[[ yepps.. m0ii best sista ]]

4.Wadd will y0o d0 if 2 & 6 datedd ?
[[ cantt be bahhs.. unless thhey rr les l0hhs ]]

5.D0 y0o tinkk 1 is pretty ?
[[ N0.. he's handds0me ]]

6.Tell me smthh b0utt 11
[[ hmm.. cheerrfull.. cus she's m0ii ba0beiiss mahhs ]]

7.H0w d0 y0o kn0w 8 ?
[[ ehh.. fr0m m0ii g0dd-s0n.. thhen nu err.. thhen blahhs blahhs blahhs ]]

8.W0uldd y0o everr g0 0n a date wiib 5 ?
[[ N0.. he's m0ii real life br0 0kkas !! ]]

9.Wadd is 7's fav0urite c0l0urr ?
[[ ehh.. n0t sure ]]

1o.Wadd w0uldd y0o d0 if 2 c0nfessedd thhat she likkes y0o ?
[[ 0f c0urse she l0ves me.. she's m0ii ba0beiiss nu err mahhs ]]

11.Facts b0ut 9 ?
[[ she's skinnyy ]]

12.Wh0 is 6 g0ingg 0utt wiib ?
[[ d0nt kn0w.. tinkk single bahhs ]]

13.Wh0 is 5 t0 y0o ?
[[ m0ii real life k0rr ]]

14.W0uldd y0o everr live wiib 11 ?
[[ yeahhs.. sure.. why n0t ?? ]]

15.Is 2 singgle ?
[[ tinkk s0 bahhs ]]

16.H0w muchh d0es 3 mean t0 y0o ?
[[ she's m0ii nu err.. she mean m0ii whh0le life ]]

17.Wadd d0 y0o tinkk b0utt 1 ?
[[ he's m0ii 0ne ndd 0nlyy la0 g0ng.. n0 0ne w0uldd everr replacedd hhim in m0ii heartt ]]

18.Wadd's tthe bestt thhingg b0utt 8 ?
[[ ehh.. d0nt kn0w herrr well ]]

19.Wadd d0 y0o dislikke b0utt 10 ?
[[ ehh.. nthh bahhs ]]

20. 11 pe0ple that y0o wan thhem t0 d0 thhis surveyy.
*Gabriel ng
*J0anne lim
*Kai Jing
*Kai Ting
*Shun ping
*Yan ling
*Huii shii
*Chew ping

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